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28.06.2024 By Sophia Cönen and Kerstin Röhrle

PMO - More than just the "girl" for everything


This blog post takes a look at the role of the Project Management Office (PMO) within the IT services industry and dispels some preconceptions. This blog post also shows the potential of the role and how it can be utilised decisively.

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27.06.2024 By Lara Telschow

Shaping change in insurance companies with AI

Picture Lara Telschow

Now is the right time to get to grips with successful change management. No time? Artificial intelligence offers innovative solutions for change management and supports insurers in successfully mastering rapid change. This blog post offers practical application examples and valuable tips for implementation in your own insurance company.

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Software Development

26.06.2024 By Merlin Bögershausen

Automated modernisation - Part 3

Picture Merlin Bögershausen

The first article on this topic explained the basic concepts of Open Rewrite. The second article dealt with the technical implementation of recipes and this article discusses the use of Open Rewrite in the context of an organisation's application portfolio. The use of internal libraries, application portfolios and efficient use as a service will be discussed.

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Everyone makes GenAI and that's right! But despite the hype surrounding GenAI, the fundamental field of machine learning (ML) must not be forgotten. Because there is still a lot of untapped potential for companies here. Few people understand what artificial intelligence (AI) actually includes and how to use it optimally for their own business. We have gained a lot of experience as trainers and based on this we have created suitable training offers.

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Software Development

21.06.2024 By Murat Fevzioglu

Virtual Threads in Java

Picture Murat Fevzioglu

The development of the virtual threads, also known as Project Loom, began in late 2017. The final implementation brings with it two major changes. Virtual threads now support thread-local variables by default, and they are now monitored by default and observable via the new thread dump. This blog post introduces virtual threads and explains how they are used in Java.

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Software Development

Blazor is a .NET front-end framework for creating an interactive web UI with C# and not JavaScript. This offers many advantages, such as being able to share code between the back-end and front-end. With Blazor, you no longer have to use two different languages, JavaScript for the frontend and C# for the backend. This makes it easier to reuse code and write consistent applications in a familiar language environment. In addition, many errors can be resolved at compile time and no longer occur dynamically at application runtime, as was the case in JavaScript.

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Software Development

21.05.2024 By Dominik Táskai

Migrating EventBridge archives

Picture Dominik Táskai

If your infrastructure utilizes EventBridge and its archive feature, you may easily encounter situations where modifications to your event bus are necessary. This could involve creating a new archive or event bus and subsequently transferring events from the old archive to the new one as there is no way to attach an existing archive to a new event bus, so creating a new event bus requires creating a new archive for it.

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11.04.2024 By Kristóf Nyári

Jenkins on k8s Part 2: The application

Picture Kristóf Nyári

In the previous installation of this series, we discussed a wide variety of topics ranging from introducing Jenkins as one of the leading CI/CD tools, through the creation of a Kubernetes Cluster within the Google Cloud Platform all the way combining the two, and having a running copy of Jenkins inside our GKE Cluster.

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Mindennapi munkám során azt tapasztalom az ügyfeleinknél, hogy még mindig gyakran összekeverik a Fiori kifejezést a UI5-al. Általában az a mondat jön velem szembe, hogy „Nekünk minden alkalmazás Fiori, amit a Fiori Launchpad-ben látunk.” Ezt szeretném a blogbejegyzésemben letisztázni, hogy pontosan mi is a Fiori, mi tekinthető Fiori alkalmazásnak, mikor érdemes Fiori szakember segítségét kérni egy probléma megoldásához és hol vannak azok a pontok a rendszerben, amikor az SAP egy korábbi technológiát használ új köntösben.

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