adesso Blog
15.06.2023 By Dominik Táskai
eBPF: Kernel as a platform?!
eBPF has become a hot topic in the recent years, with lots of promise, but is it too good to be true or is it really going to change everything? In this post we are going to explore all of the areas where eBPF is certainly going to have a big impact and also the limiting factors of this revolutionary technology.
Read more02.02.2023 By Attila Papp
How I prepared for my certifications - an empirical study guide
Nowadays, many certifications are available to choose from, involving various topics from many organizations. All the significant hyper scalers, AWS, Azure, Google, etc., have multiple exams. One could categorize them by levels (Associate Architect, Professional Architect) or by specialties (Security, Data analytics, DevOps, etc.). Moreover, all the significant technologies have their own (Kubernetes, Hashicorp Vault, Terraform, etc.), or even you could be specialized in specific focus areas (FinOps, SAFe, etc.). When you are just starting and thinking about pursuing your first certificate, choosing the right one could be a challenge. This blog post will tell you about my experience and recommendations and give you a simple yet practical study guide.
Read more19.10.2022 By Attila Papp
AWS CDK – Three things I like and three things I don't
Modern IT has been full of buzzwords and groundbreaking approaches in the past few years. Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is the latter. IaC is the practice of defining your infrastructure through code templates rather than using a GUI or manual effort. Using IaC has several benefits, such as better reusability, CI/CD integration, etc.; but most notably: it helps you achieve greater speed by treating infrastructure like 'cattle' – not' pets.' While IaC tools have made a long way since they first emerged, and a few purpose-built languages have also popped up, the need to approach such things from traditional programming languages has never disappeared. Pulumi and CDK from AWS are such tools, and, in this blog post, we will be exploring the latter.
Read more24.08.2022 By Tamás Gaál
S/4 Hana Cloud az Output Management perspektívájából
Blogomban egy rövid összefoglalót szeretnék nyújtani az alapvető különbségekről az S/4 Cloud (S4C) és On-Premise világ között ezúttal a nyomtatványokra vonatkozóan. Bízom benne, hogy az alábbi pontok bemutatása révén írásom kapaszkodóként is tud szolgálni a témában érdekelt olvasóknak.
Read more03.08.2022 By György Szlobodics
Felhőalapú számítástechnika II.
Az S/4 HANA alapú SAP rendszerek felhős virtualizációja elterjedőben van az egyre olcsóbb és szélesebb szolgáltatásokat nyújtó platformok miatt, mint például a Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform vagy Amazon Web Services. Ebben a blogbejegyzésben röviden szeretnénk bemutatni egy átlagos SAP rendszerigényét, valamint az ehhez kapcsolódó virtualizációs költségeket.
Read more26.07.2022 By Vanda Tóth
Felhőalapú számítástechnika I.
Napjaink üzleti és informatikai életében az egyik legdivatosabb kifejezése a „cloud”, „cloud computing”. De mit is takar valójában a kissé futurisztikusnak ható felhő alapú számítástechnika? Blogbejegyzésünkben erre a kérdésre adunk választ!
Read more12.07.2022 By Attila Papp
Building a secure data lake with AWS Lake formation
Without a doubt, most companies with different pieces of information scattered around their organization would benefit from having a data lake. No wonder data lakes have been popping up at companies looking to improve their analytics further. In this blog post, we will explore what data lakes are, what’s the difference compared to data warehouses, and then take a detailed look at Lake formation. It is aimed at technical audiences who are new to Lake formation and want to understand its story conceptually.
Read more29.06.2022 By Peter Kiss
What is Gaia-X?
Data driven operation and innovation is gaining space in every aspects of economy and private life of people. Big Data, Data Mining, Machine Learning or Artificial are terms, that are getting increasingly impossible to ignore in any businesses. Data-drivenness naturally involves technologies that build on a significant amount of data. The more powerful and/or more complicated statistical models we want to use, the more data we need to enable them to model reality in an acceptably precise, and the same time, sufficiently generalized manner.
Read more07.06.2022 By Kristóf Bencze
Machine Learning Operations in Apache Airflow
In one of our projects, we helped a client optimise their customer experience processes by implementing machine learning models for classifying incoming customer service emails and a chatbot for 24/7 support. I explain how all the requirements were met and how machine learning was fine-tuned with the Airflow framework as part of this project in this blog post.
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