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The first two parts of my blog post dealt with the general opportunities and challenges of AI, specific applications of generative AI and AI in the various phases of the customer journey. In the third and final part, I take a closer look at the future developments of AI in the insurance sector.

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Imagine an insurance company decides to modernise its entire IT landscape. The technology is ready, the plans are drawn up, and yet the project encounters unexpected obstacles. The reason? No, not the poor preparation phase this time. The human factor. In this blog post, I highlight the human aspects of IT transformations in the German insurance industry and show why they often mean the difference between success and failure.

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23.06.2020 By Volker Illguth

Trust AI – A call for greater trust in AI

Picture Volker Illguth

When it comes to the topic of artificial intelligence (AI), large portions of the population remain sceptical and various worst-case scenarios are widespread. In my blog post, I will dispel these preconceptions and show how AI is already being used successfully today.

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