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In the ever-evolving world of technology, artificial intelligence (AI) has become an indispensable tool that is revolutionising various industries. One of the most fascinating applications of AI can be found in the field of design. AI-driven design offers new possibilities for the (interaction) design of software products and is changing the way we look at creativity and innovation. This blog post looks at what AI-Driven Design is, how it works and the benefits it offers specifically for healthcare applications.

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The first two parts of my blog post dealt with the general opportunities and challenges of AI, specific applications of generative AI and AI in the various phases of the customer journey. In the third and final part, I take a closer look at the future developments of AI in the insurance sector.

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12.08.2024 By Jonas Reinhardt and Marina Žagar

Creating trust, ensuring compliance: AI governance as a success factor


The rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) opens up new opportunities for companies, but also presents them with regulatory and ethical challenges. Our AI Governance Check helps companies to meet the complex requirements of the AI Regulation (EUKIVO) and other standards, minimise risks and strengthen stakeholder trust. We show how this works in our blog post.

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This blog post was written as part of the GenAI Solutioning Unit. In it, we show that there are various ways to specialise a language model on a domain-specific basis. This is important for advising our customers and is aimed at anyone interested in GenAI.

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Digital Experience

How can artificial intelligence (AI) not only be used to make processes more efficient and intelligent, but also to transform SAP CX solutions into sales and service assistants and marketing futurists? In my blog post, I answer this question and show you the potential that AI still offers in the SAP CX environment.

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Everyone makes GenAI and that's right! But despite the hype surrounding GenAI, the fundamental field of machine learning (ML) must not be forgotten. Because there is still a lot of untapped potential for companies here. Few people understand what artificial intelligence (AI) actually includes and how to use it optimally for their own business. We have gained a lot of experience as trainers and based on this we have created suitable training offers.

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08.12.2023 By Kristóf Nyári

Making system design Q-uick with Amazon Q

Picture Kristóf Nyári

The 2023 AWS re:Invent gave developers, analysts, and business owners many innovations to consider. One of the new services included was the generative-AI based chat tool called Amazon Q.

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