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03.09.2024 By Lea Prochnau

Obsidian: An end to digital chaos

Picture Lea Prochnau

Obsidian is more than just a note-taking app. It evolves with the user and adapts to their individual needs. This blog post describes my experiences of how Obsidian has helped me to raise the quality, efficiency and satisfaction of my work to a whole new level. Anyone who finds themselves in it can benefit from discovering new ways to be productive and bring more structure to their everyday life.

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Projects are often faced with numerous challenges, but sometimes these go far beyond the usual and jeopardise the entire project. This is where the implementation of a "task force" can be the key to success. In my blog post, you can find out how these specialised teams use their agile expertise and professional diversity to overcome critical problems and get projects back on track.

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Organisations and individuals face the challenge of effectively directing their energy and attention in a world of constant change and uncertainty. The Circle of Influence is a concept that can help you to focus on the things you can really influence, thereby increasing your effectiveness and satisfaction. I explain what this concept is all about in my blog post.

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In modern data processing, companies are faced with the challenge of choosing the right database technology for their specific requirements. PostgreSQL and Databricks are two widely used solutions, each with their own strengths. In this blog post, I will highlight the differences between PostgreSQL and Databricks, analyse their respective advantages and disadvantages and give specific use cases that justify a switch to Databricks.

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Foundation models are revolutionising the way we perform time series analyses. They are trained on large data sets and offer flexible and scalable solutions for complex predictions and pattern recognition. In my blog post, I introduce foundation models, show advantages and technical details and compare different models with each other.

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01.07.2024 By Milena Fluck and Andy Schmidt

Decision Making under Uncertainty


Most decisions are made under uncertainty. The real world is an intangible system with a high degree of complexity and a multitude of dependencies. But how exactly does making decisions under uncertainty work? This blog post presents three main strands that are used in research for this purpose.

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11.04.2024 By Kristóf Nyári

Jenkins on k8s Part 2: The application

Picture Kristóf Nyári

In the previous installation of this series, we discussed a wide variety of topics ranging from introducing Jenkins as one of the leading CI/CD tools, through the creation of a Kubernetes Cluster within the Google Cloud Platform all the way combining the two, and having a running copy of Jenkins inside our GKE Cluster.

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Mindennapi munkám során azt tapasztalom az ügyfeleinknél, hogy még mindig gyakran összekeverik a Fiori kifejezést a UI5-al. Általában az a mondat jön velem szembe, hogy „Nekünk minden alkalmazás Fiori, amit a Fiori Launchpad-ben látunk.” Ezt szeretném a blogbejegyzésemben letisztázni, hogy pontosan mi is a Fiori, mi tekinthető Fiori alkalmazásnak, mikor érdemes Fiori szakember segítségét kérni egy probléma megoldásához és hol vannak azok a pontok a rendszerben, amikor az SAP egy korábbi technológiát használ új köntösben.

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20.02.2024 By Kristóf Nyári

Jenkins on k8s Part 1: Setting up

Picture Kristóf Nyári

Jenkins is a venerable open-source automation server that has played a pivotal role in transforming the way teams build, test, and deploy their code. In this multipart blogpost series, I am going to present all aspects of using Jenkins.

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