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We know that fast-moving IT trends often make for confusing buzzword bingo in the corporate world. In this blog post, I would like to explain to you why artificial intelligence (AI) being the latest trend does not really replace past trends such as IoT, but in fact supports them and why our current trends are actually already about a century old.

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Companies increase productivity in application development by using low-code platforms. Low-code is a visual development approach that allows users with varying levels of experience to create web and mobile applications using a graphical user interface. Non-technical developers (‘citizen developers’) are saved from having to write the code, while complicated infrastructure and installation tasks are abstracted for professional developers. Together, developers can create, evolve and publish applications in a fraction of the time it would otherwise take using traditional development methods.

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23.06.2020 By Volker Illguth

Trust AI – A call for greater trust in AI

Picture Volker Illguth

When it comes to the topic of artificial intelligence (AI), large portions of the population remain sceptical and various worst-case scenarios are widespread. In my blog post, I will dispel these preconceptions and show how AI is already being used successfully today.

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