Rethinking banks
Is your bank among the many banks awaiting fundamental transformation? Financial firms are currently experiencing the way that markets and customer requirements are changing. These businesses are also experiencing the implications of these changes for technology and IT. The requested turnaround times for projects are becoming increasingly rapid, while the requirements for simplicity and design are growing and growing. You need to create something new while maintaining the existing trust that your customers have, which relates to the reliability and security of your services. Your task is to manage the cultural change associated with digital transformation, while also delivering usable results.
When tackling the issue of digital transformation in the financial sector, our experts take a pragmatic and agile approach. At the same time, they also bear in mind the regulatory and technical requirements. We combine our understanding of the latest technology with wide-ranging expertise in the fields of banking, savings banks and fintech. Our developers introduce the traditional world of banking to the approaches used by startups. These approaches include SOA, microservices, SPA, COBOL, Microsoft and Java technologies and the Netflix and Facebook web stacks.