• adesso Hungary

  • How Borussia Dortmund and adesso teamed up

    A reference

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  • Grow Together

    25 Stories about trust, intelligence, and the joy of implementation

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Grow Together

Welcome to adesso Hungary

The Dortmund-based adesso has been present in Hungary for 15 years. However, the Hungarian subsidiary (similar to the Spanish, Bulgarian or Romanian offices) was practically a near-shore competence centre, with the Hungarian experts employed here - 70 in 2024 - working exclusively on projects in the DACH markets (Germany, Austria, Switzerland).

Services and solutions

More than 1.3 billion euros Group turnover 2024

More than 10300 employees adesso Group

Over 60 sites in the adesso Group

Our references

Diverse projects

Just a small taste of the variety of projects adesso works on in a wide range of industries.

  • Borussia Dortmund

    Identifying sporting talent

    adesso is a sponsor of Borussia Dortmund's youth team, and that's where the idea came from to create an app to make the job of scouts easier, not just in football. The mobile app allows aspiring athletes to record predefined training sessions and upload them to the system. This not only allows them to analyse their own performance, but also puts them in touch with talent scouts who can also access the data and track the progress of the candidates.

  • EnBW

    EnBW Home+

    A mobile app offered to customers of the energy supplier EnBW to track their electricity, gas and district heating consumption and energy production. They can then make forecasts and optimise their consumption and costs accordingly

  • BMW


    The Bavarian car manufacturer also offers a mobile app for some of its exclusive models, also developed by adesso. The app allows the owner to monitor the mileage and various operating parameters of his car on a daily basis, as well as to measure lap times on the race track.

Blogs and news

Our latest news and blog posts

Our press releases and blog posts provide you with the latest information about our projects, commissions, clients, collaborations and other activities.

Do you have any questions?

There is no website or brochure which can replace a personal meeting to talk about your goals and topics. We are looking forward to an appointment on site.
